Thursday 16 September 2010

Presenting a pecha kucha

In a pecha kucha I presented all my three years research this morning. My fellow students came, watched, listened, and then asked questions.

A pecha kucha (pronunciation here) is presented in twenty slides of twenty seconds, i.e. 400 seconds so six minutes 40 seconds. You have to set the slides to move on automatically. This provides a discipline of
  • not too much on the slide, and
  • knowing exactly what you want to say and saying it in no more than 20 seconds.
I benefited from having to limit my research to the important points, demonstrating a thread through it from the initial problem, to a conclusion that showed I'd answered the research questions.

The consequent questions made it clear to me that I should change one of my research questions, because I was answering something else. My colleague students also drew my attention to some usefully relevant literature. Thank you to them.

I recommend any third year PhD student present a pecha kucha of research so far.
  1. Problem
  2. Literature
  3. Research questions
  4. Theoretical framework
  5. Methodology
  6. Five case studies
  7. Preconditions of engagement
  8. Environment & participants
  9. Knowledgeability
  10. Emerging behaviours
  11. Sharing
  12. Sense making
  13. Adapting
  14. Connecting behaviours
  15. Actions for sharing/ sense making /adapting
  16. Self reinforcing behaviour
  17. Client-consultant interactions
  18. Value
  19. Template for creating engagement
  20. Conclusions
If you want to see the timed show, contact me here.

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