Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Vice Chancellor designate's address

We have a new Vice Chancellor designate, an Australian chap called Mr Martin Bean who's moving over from Seattle with his family. He's been working with Microsoft educational products for ages, and he says, with technology and education for his career and he wants to be Vice Chancellor of our university and he's got the job! Yesterday he addressed the staff of the University, speaking and taking questions. I was there in the audience. I was impressed. I thought he showed energy and sympathy and thoughtfulness, along with an ability to joke and laugh at himself. Inspiring.

They told us in November:
Martin Bean – Announced as New Vice-Chancellor
The University’s new Vice-Chancellor is to be Martin Bean, who is currently General Manager responsible for product management, marketing and business development for the Worldwide Education Products Group at Microsoft.

Martin, who will be the OU’s fifth Vice-Chancellor, will take up his appointment on 1 October 2009, following Professor Gourley’s retirement in September.
Here's a comprehensive blog on the session:

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