Thursday, 12 November 2009

Dangerous paths in writing

A recent Academy of Management paper on writing, {Pratt, 2009 }, includes advice that my supervisors have already given me, especially dangerous paths:
  1. telling about data not showing it
  2. showing too much data and not interpreting it
  3. using deductive 'short hand'
  4. quantifying qualitative data
  5. inappropriately mixing inductive and deductive strategies
Having the feedback from my supervisors is so much better than reading about what I’m supposed to be doing, even in an excellent paper like this.

To find better paths he advises:
  1. make sure your methods section includes 'the basics' (like discuss why this research is needed)
  2. show data - in a smart fashion
  3. think about using organizing figures
  4. think about telling a story
  5. consider 'modeling' someone whose style you like who consistently publishes qualitative work (who might I pick?)
Not sure I can do this writing right yet, but I keep practising.

PRATT, M. G. (2009) For the lack of a boilerplate: Tips on writing up (and reviewing) qualitative research. Academy of Management Journal, 52, 856-862.

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