Thursday 22 May 2008

Probation looms

By the end of June I must submit a project report that includes:
  • a viable research question
  • a critical literature review which situates the proposed research
  • a research proposal including an outline of proposed method(s) and a critical justification for them
  • a work plan for the project.
And then I get a viva.
  • I'm beginning to get the research question, something about engaging with consultants in order to get an effective contribution to a project.
  • I've read a fair deal around the topic: consultants, clients, public sector including government literature, projects, IT projects, New Public Management, institutionalism, accountability, value engineering and risk. And I've written up on what I've read so my supervisors have some idea of what I've read and absorbed.
  • Now I have to put together the research proposal, which I guess is to take case studies from public sector organisations and interview clients. It would be great if I could shadow a senior responsible officer. The critical justification for the method is in the theoretical framework.
  • The work plan is not going to get much time from me. I wonder what they mean by it.

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