Tuesday 13 November 2007

Argyris musings

Chris Argyris [1] wrote on un-discussability in the early 80s.
Something can’t be discussed and even its un-discussability is un-discussable.And this may be what is happening in the choice of what aspect of consultants’ work is publicly accounted for. Argyris was looking at the organisation so the un-discussability is at an organisation level.I also need to look at what happens in an organisation or an institution such as a government or public institution and the institutional culture that governs or influences what is discussable.

He mentions that organisations need double loop learning. Isn't this like the Johari window where there are things that you / others know/don't know about you?

[1] Argyris, Chris, 1980, Making the Undiscussable and Its Undiscussability Discussable, Public Administration Review,Public Administration Review, 205-213, vol 40, 3, 1980, http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0033-3352%28198005%2F06%2940%3A3%3C205%3AMTUAIU%3E2.0.CO%3B2-9, (Argyris, 1980)

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