I know engagement is a good thing, but I'm not quite clear what it is:
- commitment
- participation
- involvement
- ?
If clients must engage with consultants, then what does engagement entail? Here's my comparison of understanding of engagement in the literature.
Category | Citation | Understanding | Comments |
Government | .NAO, 2006 | Departments lacked engagement with supplier & community Engagement should be both of people in the organisation and among the consultants. Engagement implies gaining enthusiasm and energy to see the project through to conclusion.
| .. |
Government | .NAO, 2006 | Engagement leads to commitment, and NAO 1. developed framework for building commitment & 2. made recommendations to improve engagement
| .. |
Government | .NAO, 2006 | Conflates senior level engagement and ‘intelligent client’. | thus implying the multi-headedness of the client |
Government | .NAO, 2006 | Engagement and collaborative relationships are referred to as if synonyms | .. |
Practitioner | .Czerniawska, 2006 | .Argues that extent of engagement between clients and consultants determines the success of consulting projects but doesn’t define engagement. | .. |
Practitioner | Block, 2000 | .Devotes a whole chapter to the term & recommends Axelrod | .. |
Practitioner | Axelrod, 2007 | .Identifies that participation in the sense of compliance is not enough to be involved | .He distinguishes the term as requiring involvement. |
Practitioner | .Axelrod, 2006 . | .Axelrod identifies an engagement gap between those who have initiated a project for change and everyone else. An engagement gap can widen between the groups. An ecumenical i.e. inclusive and collective approach, to change theory will narrow that gap. | .Follow up in project research |
Academic | .Barki, 1989 | .defined and examined user participation | .. |
Academic | .Barki, 1994 Hartwick, 1994 | examined user participation and user involvement | .. |
Academic | Barki, 1989 | .Barki and Hartwick defined user involvement as a psychological state when the user considers a system to be both important and personally relevant | .. |
Academic | .Hartwick, 1994 | Hartwick and Barki talk about involvement “overall responsibility is the most important antecedent of user involvement and attitude toward the system”
| .. |
Academic | Peled, 2001 | Peled recommends that management develop interest in technological projects. | .. |
Academic | Biehl, 2007 | .found that top management involvement and real commitment was a success factor in IS project development on big and complex projects | .Biehl refers to commitment as if synonymous with involvement but doesn’t define involvement |
Academic | .Fincham, 2002 & 1999 | .Fincham refers to engagement in and he uses it in a political context with reference to power games. | Not useful at the moment |
Academic | Handley, 2007
| .They note a differentiation between participation & engagement: “What seems to be required is a way of differentiating between participation and what Wenger calls ‘mere engagement in practice’ (Wenger, 1998: 75). A key assumption here seems to be that participation involves ‘hearts and minds’”. | This could be a useful section to work from. |
Axelrod, R. H. (2001) 'Why Change Management Needs Changing', Reflections, 2 (3), pp. 46-57. 732
Axelrod, R. H. (2007) 'How to Get Others Involved', Harvard Management Update, 12 (8), pp. 2-2. 743
Axelrod, R. H., Axelrod, E., Jacobs, R. W. and Beedon, J. (2006) 'Beat the Odds and Succeed in Organizational Change', Consulting to Management - C2M, 17 (2), pp. 6-9. 744
Barki, H. and Hartwick, J. (1989) 'Rethinking the Concept of User Involvement', MIS Quarterly, 13 (1), pp. 53-63. 757
Barki, H. and Hartwick, J. (1994) 'Measuring User Participation, User Involvement, and User Attitude', MIS Quarterly, 18 (1), pp. 59-82. 746
Biehl, M. (2007) 'SUCCESS FACTORS for Implementing Global Information Systems', Communications of the ACM, 50 (1), pp. 53-58. 700
Block, P. (2000) Flawless Consulting: a guide to getting your expertise used, (2 Edn), Jossey-Bass/Fpeiffer. 27
Czerniawska, F. (2006). Ensuring sustainable value from consultants. 49
Fincham, R. (2002) 'The Agent's Agent', International Studies of Management & Organization, 32 (4), pp. 67-86. 500
Handley, K., Clark, T., Fincham, R. and Sturdy, A. (2007) 'Researching Situated Learning', Management Learning, 38 (2), pp. 173-191. 458
Hartwick, J. and Barki, H. (1994) 'Explaining the Role of User Participation in Information System Use', Management Science, 40 (4), pp. 440-465. 749
NAO (2006a) Central Government's use of consultants Vol. HC 128 Session 2006-2007 National Audit Office. 577
NAO (2006b) Central Government's use of consultants: Building client and consultant commitment National Audit Office. 109
NAO (2006c) Delivering successful IT-enabled business change Vol. HC 33-1 National Audit Office. 682
NAO (2006d) Good governance: Measuring Success Through Collaborative Working Relationships HMSO. 818<