Friday 27 February 2009

Useless efforts

Working at home, but electrician was here this morning, so couldn't use computer without risking losing power.

Switch on for the afternoon to find the OU VPN won't let me on. My email box has a vague message about OUBS servers not working.

I try to find digital theses from the British Library new EThOS collection, register but find I'm still not registered, so that was a waste of effort. I try a different web address, but although I don't need to register I can' t yet work out how to find any theses.

Email includes a notification to use a new form when proposing to attend a conference, and I sent off a couple of the old ones last week - still not heard back with approval.

Cheesed off now - I think I'll go and eat worms. [1]

[1] See Worm Songs

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