Sunday 17 May 2009

Methodology chapter

Walsham (p166) refers to Guba and Lincoln's fourth generation evaluation. It's worth using this evaluation idea in the methodology chapter. Their proposed approach is "characterized as measurement oriented, description oriented and judgment oriented." Then Walsham says the key to this approach "the key dynamic" - what's a dynamic? - " is negotiation". He states that the approach is interpretive. What's the difference between an interpretive approach and the constructionist perspective that Guba and Lincoln think it to be?
"they take a position that evaluation outcomes are not description what things are or really work, but instead represent meaningful construction that aid an individual to make sense of situations."
Walsham also states that actors value shaping sense making and that power relationships are also important.

These ideas all feed into a practical methodology.

See Guba and Lincoln's twelve steps (p185) for how to use them to rationalise or justify an approach.

GUBA, E. G. & LINCOLN, Y. S. (1989) Fourth Generation Evaluation, Sage.
WALSHAM, G. (1995) Interpretive case studies in IS research: nature and method. European Journal of Information Systems, 4, 74-81.

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