Wednesday 6 May 2009

Reviewing a conceptual paper

How do you review a conceptual paper? Our training is good on reviewing papers about research. For example, here's the first part of an assignment question from B852:
Critically review some journal article:
(a) Explain the purpose of the research, any research questions or propositions, and how it relates to existing theory and/or practice.
(b) Describe and discuss the appropriateness of the research methodology employed, highlighting any particular strengths or limitations.
(c) Summarise and critically assess the findings of the research and any conclusions drawn from them.
There are an awful lot of conceptual papers, and not so many research papers but I've got hold of an interesting and relevant paper that's about to be published. I'd like to share it with my supervisors, so need to prepare something in mind to tell them. If I write it, they'll read it because they're good like that. So how do I structure a review of a conceptual paper?

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